Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Welcome STRENGTH! World forecast 2024


I am late in my predictions for 2024 (8 year) mostly because like many of us, I am reaping what I have sewn the past 7 years. You can apply this scope to what the world is going through now – as the truth will become evident this year and will set us all free. We can look back as say should have, would have could have or is life more about the journey and not the destination.

In a personal year eight represented in the tree of life as the seritoth HOD, we will be remined of life and death cycles. Are we the destroyer and or the creator? If you are used to preserving things, try smashing a few old flowerpots; if you are a destroyer, try growing a plant lovingly from seed. There will be moments brought on the divine mother in all of us mourning what we have lost and giving birth to new life.

Arch Angel Michael can be called upon in these moments of great joy and difficulties to bring in diving protection and guidance, calling on your ancient sovereign memories (splendor, balance and protection). Try to imagine divine dealing outcomes for all in the situation and Michael to bring in discernment.

This is a year to practice asking for what you want and what you need as well as practicing saying no thank-you to things and setting healthy boundaries. You can visualize an infinity loop like the one in the Strength tarot to remind you to be prepared, as you WILL BE TESTED.

We are learning to balance compassion and discernment while grounding ourselves and channelling any feelings or energies that are not us, that are not love.

Colours orange and peach, fragrances rosemary and wisteria as well as the stone citrine can amplify these majestic energies. Will you manifest patience, practicality, knowledge, communication efforts and truthfulness or will you miss the call to action with deceitfulness, impatience, over criticalness, and separatism.

Globally there will be great advancements in technology and communication as well as scientific revelations that finally bear results. Will we use our powers for good?

Great advancements in the knowledge and magic will also come to fruition as we ascend the tree of life, and we are open to greater revelations and awareness. Yes, we is woke ya’ll.

Once we seek the divine, inhabit the divine, trust ourselves we can consciously bring our whole selves into the arms of trusting others. This opening of consciousness also includes responsibility and protection.

Under these circumstances, we can make great advancements in science, knowledge and evolution.

I was stuck in a parking garage with two friends just before the covid lock down, our cards were not working. Out of frustration I said out loud, please Arch Angel Michael help us in our time of need, and I tried my card again and it worked. I chose to stay calm, and I called in protection. Both my friends stared at me in disbelief.

Call in joy, call in patience, call in solutions for problems. Go for a walk and ask for help and see what crosses your path or crosses your mind. I asked for a specific tarot deck and within a week they were in a throw out box at the end of someone’s driveway waiting for me. I did not like a humidifier at Walmart because it was too expensive, only to return to my apartment building and find the same one on a bookshelf near the dumpster. Thank-you spirit! Patience and asking for help, being open to receiving builds our positive, abundant attitudes and approaches. Are you living in abundance or scarcity? Do you have faith, or will you have to be down to your last potato or cent before you ask for the help you need.

When we believe there is a higher power, we can keep our cool amid difficulties, we can channel our energy into mother earth and begin a sacred tree meditation. We can be strong.

Whether it is giving our power away or loosing our shit, there is always a choice to take our power back and respond, not react in a way that we hurt ourselves or others, but rather imagine healthy outcomes for all.

I am realistic, I believe in miracles.

Monday, January 23, 2023

Welcome the Chariot!


The Chairot Card from 
the Moder Witch Tarot

Welcome the Chariot! The world has moved into a 7 year – according to numerology and in the tree of life we have ascended into the sefirot of Netzach. I’ve been receiving messages the past few weeks coming in for this article. I will do my best to articulate the messages that have come through.

The world in the year 2023 – will begin to take on rose colour glasses of sorts as we begin to see the beauty within ourselves and others. This is a year for acts of loving kindness, being in touch with one’s feelings and encouragement to share your feelings. Individuals are recognizing that mental health and being able to share with one another is important to lessening the loads of each other. Men’s mental health especially will finally be acknowledging and inclusion and awareness of intersectionality, loving and accepting ourselves allows others to do the same.

We will begin to seek out solitude in nature, spirituality and universal love and compassion. Formerly unorthodox healing modalities like reiki, crystal or colour therapy will begin to make their importance known and there will be more of an emphasis on natural ways of healing either for the individual or the collective. We will begin to denounce large drug manufacturers and start to root out the causes of dis-ease and gravitate to organic farming, reduction of harmful pesticides etc.

We will really own reducing emissions, cutting down on our carbon footprints and look at where light and noise pollution is getting us down.

As with personal 7 years I have gone into a bit of solitude the past few weeks and the energy we are experiencing as a collective is inward and focused. This type of energy allows us to focus on our studies, meditation, prayer, will draw us out into nature and will sensitize us to seeing the beauty all around us. Life path 7s love to be of service to others and are attracted to public service, nursing and the church. The world this year will also say how can I be of service to others? Have you found yourself saying that lately, you have felt the cosmic shift?

The Chariot represents the feeling that we are divinely inspired and supported, that we have found traction and support for a cause bigger than ourselves. It’s important to have awareness around mindfulness and self-care. Your chariot is your vehicle and it will go into the ditch if you aren’t mindful of staying balanced in yourself. Are you in touch with your masculine and feminine sides? Are you compassionate and understanding of your shadow aspects? You will feel called to make adjustments this year if you want to ‘show up’, and so will countries as part of the collective towards a healthier and more loving tomorrow.

My angels and spirit guides have called me out on the word ‘sorcery’ the past few weeks. I apparently am still embarrassed to be misunderstood or judged for doing ‘woo woo’ stuff. This mostly stems from my Christian upbringing that I was not in alignment with as what I was being taught did not match what I had been experiencing and I could not be ‘baptised’ as it was not remotely what I believed. How do we speak up when our experience of spirituality, co-manifestation with spirit, the love (not the fear) of G.O.D.

One friend has started a witch club and creates intention pouches and magic candles. I received a ‘take no shit’ candle which has green was for healing and growth as well as home grown herbs, flowers and also crystals. Another friend of mine created a witchy advent calendar also with magical home grown herbs, one day presented died rosemary for magical potatoes.

Magic and sorcery are a loving intention that in essence banishes negativity, doubt and fear that our egos bring. Who am I not to embrace witches, sorcery and loving intentions?

Maybe you will put love into a meal for your loved ones or create a painting or write a poem? Making love and expressing yourself is so imporant this year. 

This year will bring to the surface any fear based thoughts to the surface for healing, so please continue to use your powers for the good of yourselves and others.

We will be shown that we are either choosing love or choosing fear. Which will you choose?

Our strengths this year will be warmth, optimism, time out in nature, creativeness and passionate expression; our weaknesses can manifest as worry, over emotionalism, envy, lust, jealousy and possessiveness.

To really bring out the positive attributes of love and compassion this year, using rose, patchouli, or bayberry essentials is useful as well as malachite and an emerald.

You can always call on the Archangel Haniel, the angel of love and harmony to assist you in your day to day choices to see the beauty and light in yourself and others and choose love.

If you are down with love, a good book to guide you is 'The Path to Love' by Deepak Choprah, which explains why we must follow our passions because our passions are our truth! We become depressed when we think we can do or have the thing we want most to manifest in our lives. So maybe you might choose to go on a retreat or maybe you will go back to school and make those adjustments to bring more 'want to's' rather than 'have to's into your lives'.  

Songs for this year: Heal the World, Michael Jackson, Man in the Mirror, Michael Jackson, Beautiful, Crazy Luke Combs, What's so funny about peace, love and understanding, Elvis Costello, All you need is love, the Beatles, any nature, meditation or universal love songs :) 

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Welcome The Lovers (6)


Welcome to my annual numerology predictions for the year 2022, based on the year of the LOVERS and the energy of the number six (Tiphareth). I will admit this has taken me a lot longer to contemplate than previous years. The key words for the year ahead are beauty and healing. It is a year of reflection, unresolved issues from the past, and making new choices for ourselves from our highest selves. Not the easiest messages to articulate, but I will give it my best shot.

After a year of sudden conflicts and standing up for our beliefs, the damage is clear. The dust is still settling and now what?

During our time on earth, we as diverse cultures and societies have upheld and fought for long standing belief systems, but we are now challenged with whether or not they still hold true.

Old ways of being that are no longer serving are struggling to maintain their power and influence. Parents are frustrated with their children for not following long standing religious practices or languages. Children have rebelled to live their own lives , creating their beliefs based on their own experiences.

The Divergent trilogy by Veronica Roth, explores the choices only we can make for ourselves.

Some societies have prioritized capitalism, some organic farming. Some countries support immigration, with the belief that they are stronger by being inclusive, others feel they are stronger by keeping strangers out. As the world adapts to technical advancements of the modern age, Japan continues to keep paper records as they have for hundreds of thousands of years.

When the world enters six energy, societies and countries will begin to look not only at what they are doing, but how they are doing it. And why they decided to do things in the first place.

This return to self and what is important cannot be done without healing the unresolved issues from the past that rear their ugly heads as if to say me again!

It is no surprise that Wellness coaching, Spiritual coaching and healing modalities of all kinds have become more in demand in recent months, and that mental health has become an issue brought into the sunshine to be discussed rather than to continue as a collective, to stigmatize those who are suffering.

We will have to be willing to forgive ourselves and others for our trespasses. We are being called to expect miracles by giving up control and giving it up to God. (Radical Forgiveness, by Colin C. Tipping)

This past year I saw the movie Best of Enemies, which was the story of a segregated community working together to resolve school segregation issues. Just by agreeing to work together, they learned they had more in common that not and were better off working together and more importantly so were their children and communities. Have school segregation issues in the US been resolved? No, but in a six year there will be an opportunity to revisit old issues and make a renewed commitment to healing and reconciliation based on the negative alternative consequences felt in the more recent years.

When we know better, we then are called to do better. (Do better, by Rachel Rickets)

Overall, to me this year is about really taking responsibility for our choices and how we affect each other with those choices. Injustice anywhere is injustice everywhere. MLKJ.

Based on the wisdom of our collective experiences we know there are opportunities to share in positive changes and remarkable success. There will be great victories over oppressive advisories. Those involved in higher causes will only become more resolved in their beliefs and actions. We will see the results of our creator’s great works, the divinity in ourselves and others and if we choose, continue to grow into our majesty.

We will have the Angel of Brightness and Healing Raphael to guide us in calling in healing energies and the comforting hands of our angels and guides.

Strengths for this year are reverence, idealism, nurturing, compassion, and devotion.

Weaknesses that will quickly be shown and will have to be overcome are false pride, self-doubt, insecurity, irreverence and blaming.

To heal the world, it is important for us to remember to heal ourselves and remember what is most important in this life in the year ahead.

Maybe your values have changed and so will your choices. Who do you want to be, the kind of person who recycles, or someone who does not recycle? I used to eat meat, but I am thinking about becoming a vegetarian. Who am I? What am I here to do? How can I heal hurts from the past, so I can ascend to a higher vibration and calling in my life? How can I be true to who I really am?

Colours that can help you with this soul work are golden yellows and pinks. Fragrances are rose, jasmine, and lily. Magical crystal for the year is rose quarts and the astrological symbol is the sun.

One example of rewards for devotion to great works is the nomination of the most recent candidates for the Supreme court in the USA. If you too have been devoted to great work, you too will be rewarded in a 6 year.

I wish for you peace, healing, forgiveness and miracles in the year ahead. 

Song list for the year ahead: Closer to fine, Who I am, The City Song, Please forgive me, For what it’s worth, Redemption song, Oh when the Saint’s go marching inLet go and let God

Sunday, January 3, 2021

2021 ~ Welcome the Hierophant ~

The Hierophant from the Modern Witch Tarot

Happy New Year! 

Welcome to our 5 year, as we shift from the Emperor (Chesed/4) energy to the Hierophant (Geburah/5) energy. 

I have mixed feelings about this blog post as I have been nervous for the past few years, knowing we had a five-year approaching. This is a year of significant change and conflict. One can only imagine what that means. Even my predictions from last year were a little too accurate, but none the less sustained me throughout this past year; now I want to offer you the same support and guidance for our year of discernment. 

Last year our homework was compassion, not only for ourselves but for each other. Did you get it?

Even as I did your tarot readings for January, the messages came through fast and furious and I was shown we are all being called to face up to our personal truths as we kick off the year. I have felt confused and discombobulated the last few days and I have noticed others having slips and falls as the energy shifts from holding energy to freeing energy. Take it easy everyone. I will be posting more information on self-care in the month ahead. 

The world will be looking closely at personal freedoms such as policies, rights, entrepreneurship, teleworking, work visas, universal health care etc. as we free ourselves up from old ways of doing thing that are no longer serving. All entrepreneurship efforts will be liberating and pioneering. It will be interesting to see how the UK makes out. They have chosen to take an independent stand, in some ways gaining freedoms for themselves, while creating barriers for others. 

Battery Fields Forever

The world will be looking closely at universal freedoms. As discernment and severity starts to rise, there will be more conflict than we have seen for a long time. Those who have gone along to get along, will be willing to take a stand and fight for their beliefs and freedoms this year. 

Fortunately for me, there will be a massive increase in interest in tarot readings, mediumship, astrology, and other systems that explain WHY THINGS ARE THE WAY THEY ARE. Everyone will be looking to ‘GOD’ (whatever that means to you) and the WORD OF GOD. We are being called to CONNECT HEAVEN AND EARTH. You will feel CALLED to ACT and SPEAK in accordance with your spiritual beliefs and create a spiritual practice. Yes you. 

Creating your own book of shadows

Some might explain this energy as the wrath of God (yup), but I would explain it as a bistander feeling called to act rather than stand by silently when witnessing an injustice. We will see the 'world' take action against injustices. The arch angel Camael can be called upon, as well as God (whatever that means to you) as we are shown a higher power (for real) and hosts of angels as protection against very real, not imagined demons and negative behaviours of our past that are no longer serving the whole or God's plan. There are real spiritual laws that must be followed, so sayith the hierophant. 

We will all be amazed by miracles, acts of God, devine interventions that will call any who have lost faith or do not believe in a higher power or 'all that new agey mumbo jumo stuff' into question. 

Those who have not fought or stood up for their beliefs will do so now. We will have to overcome cruelty and destruction while being given the strength to tear down the old to make way for the new. We are being asked to be truthful and discerning while facing up to global issues such as COVID-19, universal health care, long standing civil wars, refugees, immigration, climate change etc. 

Confidence, critical judgement, and taking action are the way through. We will ALL be called to protect and defend those who are not able to do so for themselves, and to call out those who are manifesting dragons. 

If you are crazy making or crazy faking, as I see it as energy, you will not get far this year. I strongly urge you not to create unnecessary drama for yourself (crime, lies, gossip, anger, cruelty, manipulation, belligerence) and others or you will be divinely given some real problems to deal with. 

We will find strength and courage to fight for the lives we want to live according to our own personal codes of conduct, but also universal and spiritual laws. We will all feel called to reassess and find what is true for ourselves, but also each other by reinventing our communities, churches, schools, hospitals, etc. 

There will be many opportunities for newly emerging spiritual warriors. It is time to make a move when it comes to courageous acts of heroism, defense, protection, and speaking truth to power. New ways of stopping those who upset our lives will emerge as the good overcomes evil.

Hopefully, individually, and globally we will find new ways of doing this that does not hurt ourselves or others. The way through is decisive action through courage, strength, and balance. The knowledge that we can find peaceful ways to overcome our anger and deal with issues from our higher selves and the higher selves of others. This attitude is choosing love over fear and that we want everyone to make it out ok. Change creates opportunities that we can look forward to with excitement and enthusiasm. 

We must overcome long standing ancestral fears, self-doubt, and laziness. If we can maintain win-win situations with a heathy balance of not being giving to the point that hurts us or enables others in a hurtful way and if we are able to be discerning in a way that does not hurt ourselves or others, we can navigate a new world and come together to create new ways of being and freedoms in the world. Please look to the keys to heaven at the bottom of the tarot card, as they are available to us this year. 

Let’s do this! Theme song for 2021 George Michael Freedom! Bob Marley ~ Redemption song, Michael Fratni & Spearhead Remote control, The Freedom Singers - I woke up this morning
, Joan Baez - We shall overcomeAmazing Grace, Eminem - Not Afraid

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Welcome, The Emperor

I am writing this post intermittently while organizing my kitchen and doing my laundry. In all honestly, I should have seen this coming – and probably should have written this in September, when the Emperor’s whispers started rolling in like tropical waves.

Doing an annual global reading is interesting and the purpose has been to share my perspective on life as a tarot reader. Everything is energy and with the 2020, according to numerology – if you are into that sort of thing – is 4 energy and has an impact on us.

The Emperor (tarot card) is a no nonsense kinda fella/ masculine energy – you may have noticed the impact of the Empress’ feminine energy this past year, as per Time magazine’s PERSON of the year and the recent release of the ‘Bombshell’ movie. Women have had enough, and many have taken their power ‘BACK’. We’ve been shown that the more we share – the more we have. Co-operation vs. competition can only move us forward. Oh, but the backlash has been there. A great quote by Irina Dunn, still rings true for me…’A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle’. And so, I digress.

I am heading this warning for all of us, coming out of the 3 Empress energy, we will still want to have a good time, make babies, go into nature, and all night dance raves, but alas, this is a year for us to clean up our acts. The oceans, our budgets, our landfills, if not, we will be forced to do so. Responsibility, hard work, dedication, by choice or by force; the footloose fancy-free days of the Empress will soon be forgotten.

Any extra spending, we did individually or, as a collective will need to be paid. Many of us will be caught off guard by unexpected expenses we either forgot about or weren’t expecting. If you are reading this, it is an invitation to make sure all your expenses are taken care of and that you have some money set aside for the unexpected ones. If this sort of thing comes naturally to you, congratulations, you can sit back and enjoy some of your reward points and stock options paying back their rewards.

The most important lesson of the Emperor energy is COMPASSION. And we will be given many opportunities to practice compassion. Mass migration, climate disasters, civil war casualties, all there to teach the collective compassion. Have you noticed the increase in vegan diets and restaurants? The results of ever-increasing pressure to treat animals compassionately. The new generations are rich with mindfulness and wisdom as our borders become ever closer.

If you haven’t seen the movie, ‘Please Give’, I recommend it. It invites those of us in North America to evaluate our motivations behind ‘helping others’. In our consumer led society, where do we focus our attention and compassion when we are socialized to sit in front of our TVs with our tablets and spend money? Did you make it through the holiday’s unscathed? I didn’t.

Australian Wild Fires

The sephiroth on the tree of life that represents this 4 year is Chesed – when you truly give from your heart you are practicing ‘Chesed’. Tzadkiel is the angel who is working with us to protect our teachers and guide us towards the abundance of this life. There will be great acts of idealism, devotion, and commitedness this year. We can all be called upon to respond in a heroic way.

As per the movie example, please give, we will be called out on any ego driven giving, smugness, and self-righteousness as well. So please, whomever is reading this, be mindful of your ‘scope’, before you are shown your privilege.

There will be quite a bit of ‘have tos’ not necessarily ‘want tos’ this year. Where we feel obligated to declutter or work or home spaces etc. As a collective we will be throwing out, donating or passing on things that no longer serve a purpose. This is a Marie Kondo year, but for the whole. 

I call this the 'big girl underpants' year where you have to 'be a boss' or 'like a boss', and step up into your own personal power. This is not the easiest statement to translate to the collective, but my hope is that we all collectively look to ourselves as to what can be done, rather than looking to others who may be 'in charge'. We all carry our own personal responsibility to the collective to manage, maintain our mental well being, physical health, physical space, carbon footprint etc. 

These 'like a boss' activities for me have been imposed since September - and we have the choice to either face them head on or get railroaded. The choice is yours. I say, face the music, you are a great dancer. 

The purpose of all of this is to prepare for this time next year, which will be a doozy, you can look up Gevurah if you want to look ahead. There will be some even bigger changes this time next year – we have at least eight months to prepare. Lighten your load to prepare for the changes ahead and to make room for new things that serve us better to come in. The more we purge the better. Personally, I’m hoping patriarchy is the first to go.

My prayer for us all is that we will all reclaim our own divinity and majesty, treating each other like the divine royal spirits we are. That any disrespect is banished, and that personal (treating yourself with respect, a personal code of conduct) and mutual respect (treating others with respect) is always the better choice.

In our royalty of this year we can enhance any situation with the colours blue and purple, and the stone lapis lazuli.

May we all take our power back and choose to do acts of kindness, truly from our hearts, with love.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Welcome the Empress!

My apologies for the tardiness of this annual post, but it appears I have been lost in the womb of creation. The world shifted into a new energy in the new year, into 3 energy as depicted in the Empress Tarot Card.

My mantra as of late has been, 'Seek to understand, rather than to be understood'. Have you been asked to hold space and listen to another who has not felt heard in the last couple of months? Can you be a neutral receptacle, putting your 'stuff' aside? Rarely do people look for opinions, as they are aplenty. What people long for is affirmation, understanding, connection. We do not seek consensus, we seek to be seen. The lesson this year is to take care of the holy vessel you are and recognize your importance as a divine, neutral vessel of creation, who is sometimes called to do things that have nothing to do with you at all other than to just 'be'. Just 'be' at the right place at the right time, to just 'be' to lend a hand, or lend an ear. You might be the stranger on the bus who picks up a lost wallet or you might feel called to pass on a phone number that might change another's life for the better. You are the divine instrument in the dance of creation. Can you feel the rhythm? Can you feel the dance?

The Empress is the embodiment of ACTIVE FEMALE ENERGY. She has moved from self-care of the Magician and partnerships with the High Priestess and has moved her consciousness into active groups. Globally new associations, movements, foundations, organizations, will form. How ell do you work with others? Can you be the kind of leader who can also follow? Can you see yourself joining a group that can spark a global movement? Now is the time to pay attention to the waves of migration as they are beginning to form.

Goddess energy is creative, fertile, joyful and present. Do you love yourself? Are you comfortable in your body? Can you dance to the earth's rhythm in your day and in your dreams? Can you bow down and thank mother earth for her nourishment, protection, and support? All calls for respect of women and the earth will now be at their peak. Will you stand by or stand up?


The world will sit in contemplation in order to seek understanding, and the gift will be new, creative opportunities. New ways of working, eating, living, building, communicating, making art, dancing and praying. There will be an explosion of new patents and creations this year. This is the year of the inventor, the artist, the film maker, the poet, the entrepreneur, the scientist...and it go on. Maybe you will create a new recipe, write a new song, we are all in co-creation with spirit - let-it-flow.

We all sit with 'the mother' and give birth, and we should also remember to give thanks (our lesson from the Magician), as our gratitude is the seat of our abundance. 


We will also be shown the burden of life and death cycles. Some are raised to sustain life while others are raised to destroy. If you are one who sustains and a hoarder of your belongings and ideas, I invite you to smash some flower pots, it is time to start anew. If you are a destroyer, I invite you to plant a seed and pay attention to the care and time that is required to nurture different parts of your life. An example would be a man who doesn’t respect his wife for staying home to raise the children. He thinks she does nothing all day. It might be time to take a week to walk in her shoes to see all the effort it takes to organize, nurture and care for others. Hopefully, globally, these gender stereotypes will be broken down as we seek to understand each other and creatively make changes.


If you are releasing sorrows, disappointments, losses, maybe for yourself, your circle of friends, you may also be clearing spiritually for the whole. If you find yourselves crying for the first time in a long time, seek support and self care techniques and know this is a healthy release and give thanks for your role in our collective growth and well being. If you are reading this, the message is an invitation to ask for the help you need if you are concerned about depression or something as simple as the act of courage to discuss your feeling. There are those who will feel called to be there for you to hold the space as you acknowledge the lesson, release, forgive and give thanks.

There will be sorrows this year and we will collectively grieve and mourn the habits, organizations, political movements, whose time has come to pass. ('But I don't want to give up my plastic straws!!') Cause the times they are a changin.


We are being asked to be patient, sometimes silent, to be nurturing of ourselves and each other, to walk in nature and connect with the divine feminine and mother earth. Sit in the warmth and support and walk in her footsteps and belly dance by her rivers. Cry her tears of joy and of grief. Close your eyes and know that you are love.

* I forgot to mention, this is a baby boom year. Take precautions; no glove no love.


Saturday, January 13, 2018

Welcome the High Priestess!

Well hello...

It has almost been a year since I wrote my last tarot article. I hope you are well and thank-you for visiting or revisiting my blog. I am a bit stunned that this blog has received over a 1000 views in the past year since my last entry. Thank-you for your interest if you find yourself here. 

Quick update, I personally, have joined a psychic/mediumship development circle to work on my ‘tools’ and my ‘scope’, and have made the intention to do a personal spiritual 'tune up', and have taken a pause from doing tarot reading for others. This doesn’t mean I haven’t occasionally when felt called to help, done a few readings. I am quite delighted and filled with gratitude and joy for allowing myself this ‘incubation’ period for growth, reflection, and allowing. 

I want to thank my friends and clients for their support and understanding during this time. 

I did feel today however to reach out and say hi and to welcome the new year with the strong message I’ve been receiving this year personally and in individual readings has been 'life cycle' or 'circle'.

If you are reading this now, the message is to look at your issue or query in terms of the cycle of life, plant a seed, give it sun, nourishment, protection from the elements. What do you need to consider for your growth and development? What has reached a completion in your life. Taking time to celebrate, and proper endings, and heralding new beginnings.

In this busy North American society, I can feel out of step, pushing, rushing, jumping into the new before the old has been cleaned up. I try to take my power back by celebrating the seasons (sun) and honouring the moon cycles.In order to have growth and manifest our highest good and selves, we need to honour the cycles of life.

As of 2018, the world went from a year 1 (The Magician) to a 2 year (The High Priestess). Last year we entered a new 9 cycle, and were forced as countries to clean up our own messes and our own financial and environmental health. No wonder a U.S. President was elected with a me first attitude, he knows he can’t get to 9 without being able to pay the rent. Last year was an excellent time to get into any pioneering as countries, new currencies, new technologies. Where will they be 8 years from now?

The world has now slid into 2 energies, passive female energy. No shit the women in the U.S. took over the Golden Globes (insert boob joke here), and wore black. This year women and men are being forced to face their subconscious desires and take responsibility for what they are manifesting. Partnerships, negotiations, mediations, and peace treaties will be forged. So soon Korea? There is the High Priestess at work.

Partnerships will be the focus for the world this year. Will the old allies stand up or fall? Countries will break treaties and forge new alliances.

Countries will feel ambitious in a 2 year, but not realizing all the hard work ahead. (Why can't we be more like Canada complex.)

This is the year for everyone as a whole to go into an incubated state of gestation, taking responsibility for our thoughts and feelings, as we are planting the seeds for manifestation 7 years from now. I am reminded of the Native wisdom of 'What kind of world do we want to leave to our children or 10th great grand children?' Can we breach healthy negotiations in our relationships towards a healthy and happy outcome for all involved? I invite you to sit with the High Priestess, take out your vision board and dream it so. *

Photo credit: J.C. by Ashley in 2006, Newmarket ON

* If you would like support in creating your own vision board, please visit my book review for 'Something More'.