About Christianna

I had to look twice when I did the math, but it looks like I have been reading tarot cards for others for  twenty-five years, wow. I have been reading for others publicly for the past eight years - time DOES fly when you are having fun. I will have to update this website to reflect what I do.

Thank-you for your patience if you have found yourself here looking for information.

What you can expect...

A tarot consultant works in partnership with the sitter in an interactive review of the cards. It feels like I am the channel for you in delivering the messages you have called in from spirit.

I am clair-voiant (seeing), and then clair-sentient (feeling), rarely but dramatically I can be clair-audiant (hearing), and clair-cognizant (knowing). I never know what to expect!

Where to find me...

I am currently conducting readings, classes, and events in the Ottawa Valley.

It is a blessing to be able to assist others in this way. - Christianna