A tarot reading is a divination process used to reflect on
one’s life and choices. I believe that spirit is always trying to connect with
us, and from my experience, and tarot is a great tool that shows us some of
what we already know, but also quite a bit we don’t.
A typical reading takes place from twenty minutes to an
hour-and-a-half depending on the sitter and the matter at hand.
I begin the reading with a deep meditation/prayer while the
sitter focuses on shuffling the cards. The sitter is invited to take as much
time needed to ask a specific question or ask a broader question like, ‘What do
I need to know for my highest good and for those around me’.
I typically use the ‘Ryder-Wait’ tarot deck and I use the
Celtic cross ten card spread.
I do not record my readings, I take notes, and I invite my
clients to take notes as well. I have felt ‘called’ not to do recordings, so
the reading does not live in ‘eternity’ unhealthily on your hard drive. If you choose to bring a recording device to
record the session, that is up to you.
I am slowly developing my psychic abilities. I am
clairvoyant, which means I usually rely on visions I have in my ‘mind’s eye’. I
am also less often clairaudient – which means I ‘hear’ messages from spirit. I
will often will get messages in my daily life that will pertain to an upcoming
scheduled sitting.
Often if there are scheduling problems either with myself or
the sitter, we have to wait for ‘divine’ time. I will usually make my clients a
priority if they feel strongly called to have a reading.
I consider our time together a ‘consultation’. I usually do
the reading, and then invite questions and we work ‘together’ to decipher what
it means to you. I encourage the reader to have free will, and there is usually
‘medicine’ or ‘advice’ with each of the ten cards. I see myself as a neutral third party,
connecting you to spirit and primarily as a neutral change facilitator.