Sunday, August 28, 2016

Bad Childhood Memories

I’ve taken on the challenge of writing a brief note on self-help strategies for self-care surrounding childhood trauma. When I notice a trend in my clients’ sittings, I feel called to share a collective message, as we are all healing for ourselves but also for each other.

Sometimes our subconscious brings up hurtful memories from our childhoods, sometimes for healing, but taken too far, our thoughts and our moods self-sabotage all we could be experiencing today.
So I have a three step process for you to try out.
   Feel your feelings and let them go. Feelings are here to serve us, the more we avoid and push them away, we invite them to come back with a vengeance. Feel, cry, journal, and try to take responsibility for accepting what has happened. Letting go can be really difficult, and my advice as a reader is to use a visualization technique where you envision that load you are carrying, for an example, a suitcase, put it on the side of the road, thank it for all it has taught you and keep walking.

If you are reliving experiences that were harmful and hurtful to you as a child, and you are re-playing the movie in your mind, you can go back in time in your mind, and say out loud ‘cancel, cancel, cancel’. As you allow yourself to relive these feelings repeatedly you are being as hurtful to yourself as the original perpetrator.

My third tip to overcoming reliving trauma is to tap into your divinity using your mind’s eye. Imagine an image that reminds you of joy and peace in your life. My image is ‘pink roses’. When I think of ‘pink roses’ it takes me back to my Oma's garden, and all the love and joy from those memories instantly call me back to love and light. I keep this image in my back pocket for emergencies, when I feel like my vibration is down or memories from past experiences come back in a way that is not serving.

A final note I will leave you with is a popular quote from the internet, “You are not a tree, if you don’t like where you are leave”. I know this is easier said than done, but if you for whatever reason got yourself into a bad situation, you can get yourself out, I believe in you. This includes what you allow yourself to think about. Thank-you for doing the important work you’ve been called to do. 3581