Sunday, December 18, 2016

Happy Yule

I have been mulling over what my next blog spot should be about. I’ve been contending with some anxious nervous energy over the last few weeks – mostly trying to do too many things at once. I’ve been steadily taking trips to value village and working on being present in the moment and letting go. I can feel the old, leaving, making way for the new. 

In the fall, I received a lot of requests for tarot readings and I shouldn’t be surprised that ‘The World’ card kept coming up for people. If you are reading this, this is my Yule message for you – rather than having a fear of the future and the world’s new cycle coming up in 2017 (=1)…take time to celebrate your accomplishments and how far you’ve come. Thank those who have been angels for you on your journey and take time to pay it forward.

The World – card, heralds the end of a cycle. In our high-pressure cities, we are jumping from one project to the next, one relationship to another, which only leads to the feeling of getting nowhere fast, bring up fears - we are not in control, and fear of the future. Tap into the World, you can feel the universe supporting you, and you have confidence and faith that whatever choice you make, you are on the right path. You feel it in the seasons, you feel it in the stars, you feel it in the tides, you feel it in the moon cycles, you are part of the dance. Take time to celebrate a project at work. Take time to take your loved ones out for dinner for a job well done. Send thank-you cards. Make it work for others, others will make it work for you. These activities may seem frivolous, I know you're really busy, but the gratitude you show now could be what brings you abundance for the next 9 years!! Please think about it. 

The endings we experience when the World comes into play, can be shocking, and make us take stock of what is working, what is not working or more to the point, most things don’t turn out the way we thought they would.  Good grief. It is a time of ‘Judgement’, but don’t be too hard on yourself or others, we’re all doing the best we can. This is a reminder from spirit to be extra kind to yourself, take a bath, buy some new herbal teas, go hug someone you miss.

The ‘World’, is the ‘Hanged Man’ card reversed. With the ‘Hanged Man’, the universe is reminding us that we are not in charge, that the universe/God is our only source of real support, when we have been demanding what we want, when we want it, from who we think owes us. The ‘World’ is the wonderful ownership of co-creating with the universe, when we take full responsibility for everything in our lives, the good, the bad, the ugly, and the confidence to make another choice, and another, and another. You don’t feel like a victim, you feel and own how powerful your thoughts, actions, and prayers are. So much so you want to go dancing! Wishing everyone a wonderful celebration dance! 3941