I can be slow to pick up on the subtleties of life on the
best of days, when others are trying to get something across to me, and sometimes even
slower when spirit is trying to communicate with me. Spirit usually starts
small and the message gets louder and louder, until I feel like my guides are
hitting me over the head with it.
I try to stay mindful, pray, clear and shield. I like to
think I am a clear channel for spirit. I like to think I listen, and most
importantly trust.I feel called to write this because I’ve been mulling over
the times when don’t I listen, where are my blind spots, and how do I manifest a
small whisper becoming a full-blown roar.
For some spirit 'speaks' to them through butterflies,
others feathers. The Native community see spirit messages through animals,
birds, and fish. Others see the star seed planets and orbits or auras. Wow.
There are the physical divination practices which invite
spirit to work with you in a very specific way, like reading tea leaves, palms,
the tarot, and pendulum.
Sometimes spirit will communicate with you in your dreams,
through a stranger on the bus, and for me spirit likes to send me the messages
through the art wall at Value Village (out of body experience, let me tell you).
Communication skills are challenging enough in our tech savvy
world, never mind with ourselves, or neighbors or colleuges at work. How do we begin to stay deliberate in our
dance with the spirit world?
A friend of mine told me that he had not found any
dimes recently, which are his sign from his brother. He then went on to say he
has a rabbit on his front porch, mice at the cottage, and his girlfriend
really, really wants a puppy. I asked him if he looks for signs ‘other’ than
dimes, like animals trying to say hey! Pay attention to this! He thought I was
nuts. So, it made me think, where am I not paying attention…what don’t I know?
Just when I had things all figured out my guides told me…to pay attention and look
There is always room for improvement and practice when it
comes to listening skills, on all levels and dimensions.
If you are reading this article, the spirit message is to look for messages and signs where you wouldn't normally expect them, and seek out unexplored and unusual practioners you normally wouldn't go to, or pick up a book and try a new divination technique.
Anyone and everyone can read tarot (tea leaves, palms, .....), especially you!
4525If you are reading this article, the spirit message is to look for messages and signs where you wouldn't normally expect them, and seek out unexplored and unusual practioners you normally wouldn't go to, or pick up a book and try a new divination technique.
Anyone and everyone can read tarot (tea leaves, palms, .....), especially you!