It has almost been a year since I wrote my last tarot
article. I hope you are well and thank-you for visiting or revisiting my blog. I am a bit stunned that this blog has received over a 1000 views in the past year since my last entry. Thank-you for your interest if you find yourself here.
Quick update, I personally, have joined a psychic/mediumship development circle to
work on my ‘tools’ and my ‘scope’, and have made the intention to do a personal spiritual 'tune up', and have taken a pause from doing tarot reading for others. This doesn’t mean I haven’t
occasionally when felt called to help, done a few readings. I am quite
delighted and filled with gratitude and joy for allowing myself this ‘incubation’
period for growth, reflection, and allowing.
I want to thank my friends and clients for their support and understanding during this time.
I did feel today however to reach out and say hi and to welcome the new year with the strong message I’ve been
receiving this year personally and in individual readings has been 'life cycle' or 'circle'.
If you are reading this now, the message is to look at your
issue or query in terms of the cycle of life, plant a seed, give it sun, nourishment,
protection from the elements. What do you need to consider for your growth and development?
What has reached a completion in your life. Taking time to celebrate, and
proper endings, and heralding new beginnings.
In this busy North American society, I can feel out of step,
pushing, rushing, jumping into the new before the old has been cleaned up. I
try to take my power back by celebrating the seasons (sun) and honouring the moon
cycles.In order to have growth and manifest our highest good and
selves, we need to honour the cycles of life.
As of 2018, the world went from a year 1 (The Magician) to a
2 year (The High Priestess). Last year we entered a new 9 cycle, and were
forced as countries to clean up our own messes and our own financial and environmental
health. No wonder a U.S. President was elected with a me first attitude, he
knows he can’t get to 9 without being able to pay the rent. Last year was an
excellent time to get into any pioneering as countries, new currencies, new
technologies. Where will they be 8 years from now?
The world has now slid into 2 energies, passive female
energy. No shit the women in the U.S. took over the Golden Globes (insert boob joke here),
and wore black. This year women and men are being forced to face their subconscious
desires and take responsibility for what they are manifesting. Partnerships,
negotiations, mediations, and peace treaties will be forged. So soon Korea?
There is the High Priestess at work.
Partnerships will be the focus for the world this year. Will
the old allies stand up or fall? Countries will break treaties and forge new
Countries will feel ambitious in a 2 year, but not realizing
all the hard work ahead. (Why can't we be more like Canada complex.)
This is the year for everyone as
a whole to go into an incubated state of gestation, taking responsibility for our thoughts and feelings, as we are planting the seeds for manifestation 7 years
from now. I am reminded of the Native wisdom of 'What kind of world do we want
to leave to our children or 10th great grand children?' Can we breach healthy negotiations in our relationships
towards a healthy and happy outcome for all involved? I invite you to sit with the High
Priestess, take out your vision board and dream it so. *
Photo credit: J.C. by Ashley in 2006, Newmarket ON
* If you would like support in creating your own vision board, please visit my book review for 'Something More'.