Sunday, March 10, 2019

Welcome the Empress!

My apologies for the tardiness of this annual post, but it appears I have been lost in the womb of creation. The world shifted into a new energy in the new year, into 3 energy as depicted in the Empress Tarot Card.

My mantra as of late has been, 'Seek to understand, rather than to be understood'. Have you been asked to hold space and listen to another who has not felt heard in the last couple of months? Can you be a neutral receptacle, putting your 'stuff' aside? Rarely do people look for opinions, as they are aplenty. What people long for is affirmation, understanding, connection. We do not seek consensus, we seek to be seen. The lesson this year is to take care of the holy vessel you are and recognize your importance as a divine, neutral vessel of creation, who is sometimes called to do things that have nothing to do with you at all other than to just 'be'. Just 'be' at the right place at the right time, to just 'be' to lend a hand, or lend an ear. You might be the stranger on the bus who picks up a lost wallet or you might feel called to pass on a phone number that might change another's life for the better. You are the divine instrument in the dance of creation. Can you feel the rhythm? Can you feel the dance?

The Empress is the embodiment of ACTIVE FEMALE ENERGY. She has moved from self-care of the Magician and partnerships with the High Priestess and has moved her consciousness into active groups. Globally new associations, movements, foundations, organizations, will form. How ell do you work with others? Can you be the kind of leader who can also follow? Can you see yourself joining a group that can spark a global movement? Now is the time to pay attention to the waves of migration as they are beginning to form.

Goddess energy is creative, fertile, joyful and present. Do you love yourself? Are you comfortable in your body? Can you dance to the earth's rhythm in your day and in your dreams? Can you bow down and thank mother earth for her nourishment, protection, and support? All calls for respect of women and the earth will now be at their peak. Will you stand by or stand up?

The world will sit in contemplation in order to seek understanding, and the gift will be new, creative opportunities. New ways of working, eating, living, building, communicating, making art, dancing and praying. There will be an explosion of new patents and creations this year. This is the year of the inventor, the artist, the film maker, the poet, the entrepreneur, the scientist...and it go on. Maybe you will create a new recipe, write a new song, we are all in co-creation with spirit - let-it-flow.

We all sit with 'the mother' and give birth, and we should also remember to give thanks (our lesson from the Magician), as our gratitude is the seat of our abundance.

We will also be shown the burden of life and death cycles. Some are raised to sustain life while others are raised to destroy. If you are one who sustains and a hoarder of your belongings and ideas, I invite you to smash some flower pots, it is time to start anew. If you are a destroyer, I invite you to plant a seed and pay attention to the care and time that is required to nurture different parts of your life. An example would be a man who doesn’t respect his wife for staying home to raise the children. He thinks she does nothing all day. It might be time to take a week to walk in her shoes to see all the effort it takes to organize, nurture and care for others. Hopefully, globally, these gender stereotypes will be broken down as we seek to understand each other and creatively make changes.

If you are releasing sorrows, disappointments, losses, maybe for yourself, your circle of friends, you may also be clearing spiritually for the whole. If you find yourselves crying for the first time in a long time, seek support and self care techniques and know this is a healthy release and give thanks for your role in our collective growth and well being. If you are reading this, the message is an invitation to ask for the help you need if you are concerned about depression or something as simple as the act of courage to discuss your feeling. There are those who will feel called to be there for you to hold the space as you acknowledge the lesson, release, forgive and give thanks.

There will be sorrows this year and we will collectively grieve and mourn the habits, organizations, political movements, whose time has come to pass. ('But I don't want to give up my plastic straws!!') Cause the times they are a changin.

We are being asked to be patient, sometimes silent, to be nurturing of ourselves and each other, to walk in nature and connect with the divine feminine and mother earth. Sit in the warmth and support and walk in her footsteps and belly dance by her rivers. Cry her tears of joy and of grief. Close your eyes and know that you are love.

* I forgot to mention, this is a baby boom year. Take precautions; no glove no love.