So, I’ve been in a variety of wildernesses in the past few
years, now am back in my seat, with gratitude for the luxury of time, space and
tools to do some writing and reflections on my tarot journey.
What has been foremost in my mind has been the times we are
living in and how to summarize what I feel called to share. In alignment with
the global consciousness, and although not all of us use the same calendar, I
am paying strong attention to the year 2016, which according to numerology adds
up to 9, and the year 2017 will bring us into a 1 year, and a new cycle.
The Tarot card for our collective 9 year is the ‘Hermit’,
which began January 1st, 2016. If you are reading this, I would
invite you to investigate this card. The Hermit - 9 year gives us the opportunity
to look at the world over the last eight years, what has worked, what hasn’t
worked. Anything that has not worked will slide into oblivion like a great tsunami
and only what is serving will remain.
We have been given a year to let go of
the old and prepare for the new. If the world was my tarot client I would say
prepare, you have been given the time, space, and resources to use all you have
learnt in the last 8 years, and to let go of anything that is no longer
serving. We will be challenged to give up our bad habits, security blankets, illusions,
and similar entitlement feelings to those of High School seniors. Remember how
you felt your first day of grade 9, well it’s coming 2017.
The Hermit heralds a time for the world to use wisdom,
empower others, sit in reflection, philanthropy and take note of what is
working and what is not for things are gonna change, um, like big time. Some
rise to the Hermits call of taking on these responsibilities, and as you can
see in the news as of late, others flee from these responsibilities. As you let
go of the past and are presented with any sudden changes, remember you are
going through an upgrade - anything you are reluctant to give up
(relationships, habits, property, etc.) you will be given the same or better! Try to be very, very, very, mindful of what you are thinking and
saying out loud, you are creating my world. If you need help to let go, ‘Say out loud, please bring me
help to let go’.
I myself am trying to meditate, not just talk about
meditation, and have been shown that sleep, diet, health etc. will prepare me
for where I need to be emotionally, spiritually, and physically in order to
prepare for the new cycle.
As we volt ourselves into an upcoming one year in January, represented
by ‘The Magician’ tarot card, we are entering a shocking new cycle. All the
good intentions and compassion will be replaced by self-centeredness. Everyone
will go from helping their neighbor to looking out for number one. It will be a
big shock globally, as countries and communities will be forced to look at
themselves and clean up their acts. I see this will be beneficial for aboriginal
communities worldwide as they will get the respect and resources they deserve,
banking, health care etc.
I see the resources and knowledge that have been shared globally
in regards to the medical and technology fields, will have the opportunity to be implemented
in the spirit of the gold rush. It will feel like the wild west; a fresh start
is an exciting place to be.
My prayer for the world is that we all walk with gratitude,
for we will be shown collectively what we don’t appreciate in our one year,
that we focus on our health and well-being, as that too will be greatly tested, and
finally, we will be forced to clean up the big messes we’ve made, and take steps to create a
heaven on earth, while we still can for we are the co-creators. *Taking note that when this was published, my page view total was 3339