Monday, October 24, 2016

Developing your Psychic Abilities

Ok, I've heard the call and this is my response. 

I believe that we are all psychic to some degree. The same way I was drawn to the tarot, many of my clients are very dependent on their psychic skills, even if they are not consciously aware of it. My main role I find as a consultant is to focus on events in the sitter’s life and channel information I feel called to share. Invariably, most of my clients are interested in developing their own psychic abilities. I am currently working on materials for an ‘Introduction to the Tarot’ class, and an advanced class. These tips would fall under the advanced class activities, but I thought I would share some seeds in developing your own psychic abilities for beginners, based on what I’ve picked up over the years.

1.       Book of Shadows – I think it is important when discovering your psychic abilities to document and journal. For me my notes have taken the forms of a personal tarot and a dream journal. I also jot down random messages I receive throughout the week. I don’t always need to take action on the information I receive, but it helps me stay grounded and reflective on my journey. This has resulted in fine tuning my ‘tools’.

I would invite you to explore your own definition of journaling, it may take the form of a ‘Book of Shadows’, a ‘Dream Journal’, a ‘Gratitude Journal’, or ‘Tarot Journal’. Or all of the above and more!

This instructional video by Psychic Bob Hickman is an invitation to begin your own personal Book of Shadows...

2.       Meditation – Prayer is talking to God – and Meditation is listening to God. You may not be comfortable with the term God, Jesus, or Angels. Feel free to explore terminology, books, groups that you feel drawn to. Despite believing in God – I was reluctant to speak to Angels. I asked ‘source’ for ‘help’ talking to angels, and the angels sent overwhelming messages, a host of angels descended and I could ‘hear’ choirs of angels singing. So, I’m down with angels now - eep.

As in day to day life, listening to spirit – or honing your intuition - is a skill and muscle you can learn to serve you in your life and work.

This video by Psychic Medium Christine Pavlina outlines the benefits of meditation in working with  your psychic abilities and life!

Ottawa resident Pete Bernard, of the 8th Fire School of Shamanism has shared 'The Great Fire Meditation' online. If you are new to meditating you  might want to check out:

3.       Responsibility – With great power, comes great responsibility. If you want to improve accuracy in regards to the psychic information you receive, you must be willing to live your best life and show respect to yourself and others. Bam, accuracy.

4.       Trust – If you are interested in exploring your psychic abilities, I would invite you to explore all the books that are out there. The practitioners you wouldn’t normally go to. Events in your community that focus on light and healing.  Trust, Ask, Receive.

Here are some tips in trusting your bond with spirit communication from James Van Praagh

5.       Environment – I’m amazed how many of my clients with a ‘Sun in Cancer’ do not keep track of the lunar cycles. The seasons, the lunar cycles, our diet, our sleep patterns, all affect our moods, our health, and at times our psychic abilities. I am very much affected by barometric pressure, and living in a valley, I am very much aware that my psychic input is increased when I travel to higher elevations or I am near a vortex. Develop some awareness of your responses to your environment., allows you to create a ‘guest’ profile, and you can check out how you are affected in different parts of the world – just based on your astrology chart. Yes, yes I DO live on my Saturn line (that was helpful information).

6.       Grounding, Protection, and Shielding – I’ve left this for last, but it is by far the most important. None of us are perfect, and ‘spirit’ will show up in the most unsavory of situations, but it is important to start to build healthy habits that protect you when you start to delve into the unknown. Like learning to drive a car, using your signal lights, regular maintenance, and checking your tires, there are healthy habits you can incorporate into your daily life, that eventually you don’t have to think about, they will just become automatic.

I could write a book on each of these points, and maybe I will, but I hope they will assist and comfort you as you grown and learn on your own journey. 3800