Sunday, January 3, 2021

2021 ~ Welcome the Hierophant ~

The Hierophant from the Modern Witch Tarot

Happy New Year! 

Welcome to our 5 year, as we shift from the Emperor (Chesed/4) energy to the Hierophant (Geburah/5) energy. 

I have mixed feelings about this blog post as I have been nervous for the past few years, knowing we had a five-year approaching. This is a year of significant change and conflict. One can only imagine what that means. Even my predictions from last year were a little too accurate, but none the less sustained me throughout this past year; now I want to offer you the same support and guidance for our year of discernment. 

Last year our homework was compassion, not only for ourselves but for each other. Did you get it?

Even as I did your tarot readings for January, the messages came through fast and furious and I was shown we are all being called to face up to our personal truths as we kick off the year. I have felt confused and discombobulated the last few days and I have noticed others having slips and falls as the energy shifts from holding energy to freeing energy. Take it easy everyone. I will be posting more information on self-care in the month ahead. 

The world will be looking closely at personal freedoms such as policies, rights, entrepreneurship, teleworking, work visas, universal health care etc. as we free ourselves up from old ways of doing thing that are no longer serving. All entrepreneurship efforts will be liberating and pioneering. It will be interesting to see how the UK makes out. They have chosen to take an independent stand, in some ways gaining freedoms for themselves, while creating barriers for others. 

Battery Fields Forever

The world will be looking closely at universal freedoms. As discernment and severity starts to rise, there will be more conflict than we have seen for a long time. Those who have gone along to get along, will be willing to take a stand and fight for their beliefs and freedoms this year. 

Fortunately for me, there will be a massive increase in interest in tarot readings, mediumship, astrology, and other systems that explain WHY THINGS ARE THE WAY THEY ARE. Everyone will be looking to ‘GOD’ (whatever that means to you) and the WORD OF GOD. We are being called to CONNECT HEAVEN AND EARTH. You will feel CALLED to ACT and SPEAK in accordance with your spiritual beliefs and create a spiritual practice. Yes you. 

Creating your own book of shadows

Some might explain this energy as the wrath of God (yup), but I would explain it as a bistander feeling called to act rather than stand by silently when witnessing an injustice. We will see the 'world' take action against injustices. The arch angel Camael can be called upon, as well as God (whatever that means to you) as we are shown a higher power (for real) and hosts of angels as protection against very real, not imagined demons and negative behaviours of our past that are no longer serving the whole or God's plan. There are real spiritual laws that must be followed, so sayith the hierophant. 

We will all be amazed by miracles, acts of God, devine interventions that will call any who have lost faith or do not believe in a higher power or 'all that new agey mumbo jumo stuff' into question. 

Those who have not fought or stood up for their beliefs will do so now. We will have to overcome cruelty and destruction while being given the strength to tear down the old to make way for the new. We are being asked to be truthful and discerning while facing up to global issues such as COVID-19, universal health care, long standing civil wars, refugees, immigration, climate change etc. 

Confidence, critical judgement, and taking action are the way through. We will ALL be called to protect and defend those who are not able to do so for themselves, and to call out those who are manifesting dragons. 

If you are crazy making or crazy faking, as I see it as energy, you will not get far this year. I strongly urge you not to create unnecessary drama for yourself (crime, lies, gossip, anger, cruelty, manipulation, belligerence) and others or you will be divinely given some real problems to deal with. 

We will find strength and courage to fight for the lives we want to live according to our own personal codes of conduct, but also universal and spiritual laws. We will all feel called to reassess and find what is true for ourselves, but also each other by reinventing our communities, churches, schools, hospitals, etc. 

There will be many opportunities for newly emerging spiritual warriors. It is time to make a move when it comes to courageous acts of heroism, defense, protection, and speaking truth to power. New ways of stopping those who upset our lives will emerge as the good overcomes evil.

Hopefully, individually, and globally we will find new ways of doing this that does not hurt ourselves or others. The way through is decisive action through courage, strength, and balance. The knowledge that we can find peaceful ways to overcome our anger and deal with issues from our higher selves and the higher selves of others. This attitude is choosing love over fear and that we want everyone to make it out ok. Change creates opportunities that we can look forward to with excitement and enthusiasm. 

We must overcome long standing ancestral fears, self-doubt, and laziness. If we can maintain win-win situations with a heathy balance of not being giving to the point that hurts us or enables others in a hurtful way and if we are able to be discerning in a way that does not hurt ourselves or others, we can navigate a new world and come together to create new ways of being and freedoms in the world. Please look to the keys to heaven at the bottom of the tarot card, as they are available to us this year. 

Let’s do this! Theme song for 2021 George Michael Freedom! Bob Marley ~ Redemption song, Michael Fratni & Spearhead Remote control, The Freedom Singers - I woke up this morning
, Joan Baez - We shall overcomeAmazing Grace, Eminem - Not Afraid