Monday, January 23, 2023

Welcome the Chariot!


The Chairot Card from 
the Moder Witch Tarot

Welcome the Chariot! The world has moved into a 7 year – according to numerology and in the tree of life we have ascended into the sefirot of Netzach. I’ve been receiving messages the past few weeks coming in for this article. I will do my best to articulate the messages that have come through.

The world in the year 2023 – will begin to take on rose colour glasses of sorts as we begin to see the beauty within ourselves and others. This is a year for acts of loving kindness, being in touch with one’s feelings and encouragement to share your feelings. Individuals are recognizing that mental health and being able to share with one another is important to lessening the loads of each other. Men’s mental health especially will finally be acknowledging and inclusion and awareness of intersectionality, loving and accepting ourselves allows others to do the same.

We will begin to seek out solitude in nature, spirituality and universal love and compassion. Formerly unorthodox healing modalities like reiki, crystal or colour therapy will begin to make their importance known and there will be more of an emphasis on natural ways of healing either for the individual or the collective. We will begin to denounce large drug manufacturers and start to root out the causes of dis-ease and gravitate to organic farming, reduction of harmful pesticides etc.

We will really own reducing emissions, cutting down on our carbon footprints and look at where light and noise pollution is getting us down.

As with personal 7 years I have gone into a bit of solitude the past few weeks and the energy we are experiencing as a collective is inward and focused. This type of energy allows us to focus on our studies, meditation, prayer, will draw us out into nature and will sensitize us to seeing the beauty all around us. Life path 7s love to be of service to others and are attracted to public service, nursing and the church. The world this year will also say how can I be of service to others? Have you found yourself saying that lately, you have felt the cosmic shift?

The Chariot represents the feeling that we are divinely inspired and supported, that we have found traction and support for a cause bigger than ourselves. It’s important to have awareness around mindfulness and self-care. Your chariot is your vehicle and it will go into the ditch if you aren’t mindful of staying balanced in yourself. Are you in touch with your masculine and feminine sides? Are you compassionate and understanding of your shadow aspects? You will feel called to make adjustments this year if you want to ‘show up’, and so will countries as part of the collective towards a healthier and more loving tomorrow.

My angels and spirit guides have called me out on the word ‘sorcery’ the past few weeks. I apparently am still embarrassed to be misunderstood or judged for doing ‘woo woo’ stuff. This mostly stems from my Christian upbringing that I was not in alignment with as what I was being taught did not match what I had been experiencing and I could not be ‘baptised’ as it was not remotely what I believed. How do we speak up when our experience of spirituality, co-manifestation with spirit, the love (not the fear) of G.O.D.

One friend has started a witch club and creates intention pouches and magic candles. I received a ‘take no shit’ candle which has green was for healing and growth as well as home grown herbs, flowers and also crystals. Another friend of mine created a witchy advent calendar also with magical home grown herbs, one day presented died rosemary for magical potatoes.

Magic and sorcery are a loving intention that in essence banishes negativity, doubt and fear that our egos bring. Who am I not to embrace witches, sorcery and loving intentions?

Maybe you will put love into a meal for your loved ones or create a painting or write a poem? Making love and expressing yourself is so imporant this year. 

This year will bring to the surface any fear based thoughts to the surface for healing, so please continue to use your powers for the good of yourselves and others.

We will be shown that we are either choosing love or choosing fear. Which will you choose?

Our strengths this year will be warmth, optimism, time out in nature, creativeness and passionate expression; our weaknesses can manifest as worry, over emotionalism, envy, lust, jealousy and possessiveness.

To really bring out the positive attributes of love and compassion this year, using rose, patchouli, or bayberry essentials is useful as well as malachite and an emerald.

You can always call on the Archangel Haniel, the angel of love and harmony to assist you in your day to day choices to see the beauty and light in yourself and others and choose love.

If you are down with love, a good book to guide you is 'The Path to Love' by Deepak Choprah, which explains why we must follow our passions because our passions are our truth! We become depressed when we think we can do or have the thing we want most to manifest in our lives. So maybe you might choose to go on a retreat or maybe you will go back to school and make those adjustments to bring more 'want to's' rather than 'have to's into your lives'.  

Songs for this year: Heal the World, Michael Jackson, Man in the Mirror, Michael Jackson, Beautiful, Crazy Luke Combs, What's so funny about peace, love and understanding, Elvis Costello, All you need is love, the Beatles, any nature, meditation or universal love songs :)